Wednesday, February 2, 2011

West Jerusalem (Dead Sea Scrolls)

Today was a day i will always remember. It was a short day but a sweet one. We started off by getting on the bus and heading toward Jerusalem, for the 4th time in a week. That is not a bad thing, obviously, but just crazy the difference from normal live.

Our trip today was meant for West Jerusalem. We went straight to the Israeli Museum. This was probably the most interesting museum i remember going to, well maybe now that i am older i care more about these things. This museum had a model of Jerusalem as it would have been in 66 A.D., just before it destruction in 70 A.D. It was very impressive. The model was about 40 yards by 20 yards. A truly impressive model. Everything was realistic. The model really brought things to life and gave a mental picture of the town as it would have been then. Included are some pictures of what it looked like.

Temple Mount



The whole model

Herod Agrippa's Palace

Pool of Siloam

Entrance to the Temple Mount from The city of David


More of the model


After the Model we went and saw some of the dead sea scrolls. It was a great and amazing thing to see. I was really looking forward to this day. We saw only one of the biblical texts and it was Isaiah 40 through the end of the book. They also had the containers they were found in on display and other artifacts they found in Qumran. (The place of the discovery) I loved this but i wasn't allowed to take pictures to keep the scrolls in  the best shape. I will never forget it. 

Hope you all have a great day. 

Ben and Christina 


  1. Wow what an awesome experience. I can’t imagine living in a city like that. How great that you both viewed the Dead Sea Scrolls first hand. Thank you for posting.

  2. that is so neat Ben. i couldn't tell at first how big the model was till i saw the bird :)
    praying for you and Christina!! can't wait to read more stories. love you!
