Sunday, February 6, 2011

Judean Hills Hike

Dear friends and family,

Her is yet another field report. I hope that everyone can follow the places. Yad Hashmona is the place we are staying. Kiriat Yearim is the place that is right next to Yad Hashmona that the Ark of the Covenant was at for 100 years before David came and took it into Jerusalem. The rest of the places are along the hike. 

Today’s hike was shorter hike than most will be. It was a perfect day for a hike in that it wasn’t too hot but the sun was shining. The wind was also more active than usual, which was nice because it cooled us as we hiked. We set off from Yad Hashmona around 10 o’clock in search of Tsuba. Our first stop on the hike was up by a British fortress located at Kiriat Yearim. Bill showed us the separation line between the tribe of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin. This line runs right down the ridge that connects Kiriat Yearim with Yad Hashmona. This is where IBEX is at. The line doesn’t make it to Yad Hashmona though, but instead it continues straight toward Shoresh; biblically named Mount Seir. This is how we can be almost sure that Yad Hashmona is in the tribal allotment of Dan and not Judah. The line separating Dan and Benjamin is just west of Yad Hashmona.
            After this we went to the British Fortress which is strategically located at Kiriat Yearim. This is a strategic pass in the protection of Jerusalem because when you are on top of it you can see all the way to Jerusalem and also in the Coastal Plain just west of the Mediterranean. This is also a huge road that many use and have used for many years (in the biblical times as well) when entering into the hill Country and/or going to Jerusalem. This would explain why the Ark of the Covenant was there. They could protect it because they could see the enemy approaching. This is also why the British built a fortress here back in the early 1900’s. They could see far both ways and protect the hill country. It gives the upper hand to the occupant.
            After that we walked through a small portion of Abu Gosh to a ridge overlooking the Cesalon Valley. This valley is one of two major valleys that dictate the flow of traffic in the hill country because it is so deep and challenging to get through. On feet it is fine, but when someone would be moving themselves, their families, or the Ark of the Covenant it made it difficult to get through. So instead of going through these deep valleys the people would take either the Beth-Horon route which took them north of Kiriat Yearim and then brought them into Jerusalem from the north, or the Kiriat Yearim route which took them through Kiriat Yearim and then up to the north along a ridge and would drop them off to the north of Jerusalem.  At the top of this valley we saw some olive trees and also the way that the Israelites have made use of the mountainous terrain over the years. They would build walls up and create flat pads which would allow them to plant on these pads as well as let the water drain into the valley so that agriculture in the valley could still be fed. Then we went to the Lemon Spring. This spring fed a small pool in which a local shepherd used for his goats and was also a spot that people liked to come and spend the afternoon. We ate lunch there and then continued on. Bill stopped shortly after when he spotted an almond tree. He talked about how the almond tree is the first tree to bud and produced flowers but one of the last to be harvested. He talked about the story of Aaron’s rod miraculously producing an almond overnight. We walked through two Arabic villages and then started up hill. Once again we stopped and Bill gave a brief devotional next to a vineyard. He talked about how we must be connected to the Father or the root in order to produce fruit. Also he said that the only purpose of the branch is to produce fruit just like the purpose of man. It was a good and very applicable message. We stopped in multiple tombs probably from the byzantine period and then came to the mountain of Tsuba. On top of the mountain were ruins from the Crusaders. We explored around them and enjoyed going in and out of the different homes they had built. Someone from our group even lower themselves in the cistern underneath the city. Underneath the Crusader city was the Biblical site of Tsuba. There is one reference in 2 Samuel 23:26 about Yigal the Son of Nathan coming from Tsuba. This was one of David’s 30 mighty men.
 After this we went to Ein Sataf. These are springs that were really running good. They ran into a pool which was over six feet deep. Three of our guys jumped into the pool and the rest of us went through a small tunnel to the source of the spring. It was a prominent spring and provided a lot of water to the agriculture of that area. It was also beautiful in that area and looked as if it had been made into a park-like place to visit. We also could see from there the traditional site of John the Baptist’s birth. Ironically it was right next to a modern hospital. It is possible that it is the real place but it may not be.
            After this we made our way up to a coffee shop and had a latte. Then we took the bus back to Yad Hashmona. 

That was a hike we took this Sunday. Things are a little different here at IBEX. We don't have weekends and Sundays are Saturdays. This means that we can have school on Sundays, thus no weekend. It is fine because it is all fun things. Ibex is going great. We are two weeks in and we all are loving IBEX. Our group has been getting along real well and really enjoying each other. 

We do have some prayer requests. First, there is a guy here who is getting his wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow. They are acting up and it is hurting him to bad that he cannot talk. This came out of nowhere and it put him out for awhile. So pray that it goes well. He will get two pulled tomorrow and then 2 more in 2-3 weeks. 

For us; pray that we do our work to the best of our abilities and that we can get the most out of it as possible.  It is truly a blessing that we are here and that we want to make the best of it. Also pray that we continue to be loving with others and that we can learn how to deal with each other in a way that is honoring to God. Thanks for the support!

Ben and Christina   
Here are pictures. Enjoy!
Behind him is the Cesalon Valley
Thats Bill

Lemon Spring

Bill giving the vineyard devotional

Crusader ruins

Traditional stop of John the Baptist birth

Ein Sataf spring

Another Picture of the spring

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky to have the knowledge and background of Bill on your excursions. Hey, a might be great if you could include a map in your posts of where you are and route. It would be fun to follow your details with a map. :) Thank you for posting.
    Christy Rosander
